Step 1 – Initial Meeting

We will meet are your home to discuss your kitchen. At this meeting, you will discuss broad details. We will take measurements of your kitchen for preliminary design ideas and budget ranges.

Step 2 – Design & Estimate

You will be presented with a design and investment range for your kitchen. We’ll share different design elements and timing. Once you choose your investment range, we will begin finalizing your kitchen design.

Step 3 – Detailed Estimate

This is where the final design, materials, and budget come together. During this step, we will investigate other elements of your kitchen, including structural, mechanical, electrical, etc., to make sure there are no surprises or additional costs during construction. There is a modest fee for Step 3.

Step 4 – Contract and Preconstruction

After we have a clear understanding of all the elements of your new kitchen and costs, we will put together a contract that lays out many details, including responsibilities, the scope of work, specifications, drawings, materials, start and completion dates, and a payment schedule to make you comfortable with your new kitchen. With our vast experience, we put together a plan that maximizes value and minimizes inconvenience.

Step 5 – The Build – From Concept to Reality

Once the contract is signed, we will apply for all local permits required for your new kitchen and order materials so they are on hand when we are ready to begin construction. We will meet with you on-site to discuss construction details and provide you with a firm start date for us to bring your concept to reality.

Step 6 – Completion

The day you have been waiting for has arrived! Your kitchen is almost ready for use. Before leaving you to enjoy your new home, we will meet with you for a final punch list to complete your dream kitchen.